About MarinexT
海洋永續發展科技研討會(MarinexT)將於2025年1月8至10日舉辦,第1至第2日於高雄林皇宮,第3日技術演示於 高雄興達港,預計邀請產官學研各界菁英代表超過300人,主辦單位規劃專業演講15場、專業展覽展示16區。參加會議可認識各界菁英人脈,並可取得海洋科技專業知識及實務解決方案,歡迎國內外學術機構及企業代表踴躍參加。
The MarinexT 2025 will be held from January 8 to 10, 2025. The first 2 days will take place at the Lin Palace Kaohsiung, and the 3rd day will feature technology demonstrations at Xing Da Harbor, Kaohsiung. The event is expected to attract over 300 elite representatives from industry, government, academia, and research sectors. The organizers have planned 15 professional speeches and 16 booths for professional exhibition. Attendees will have the opportunity to network with top professionals, gain knowledge of marine technology, and obtain practical solutions. Representatives from domestic and foreign academic institutions and enterprises are welcome to participate.

會場 Venue

高雄林皇宮 3 樓宴會廳
Lin Palace Kaohsiung
Banquet hall on the 3rd floor
交通及停車 Transport & Parking
籌辦單位 Organization
主辦單位 Host Organizers

協辦單位 Co-organizers

贊助單位 Sponsors