MarinexT 海洋永續發展
You shall know...
UN SDGs #14

Marine biodiversity is an important indicator of marine resources. Due to fishing, development, pollution, and destruction, the ocean is becoming more and more barren! The goal of sustainable development of the ocean is to reduce various adverse factors and improve the marine environment. This is an important issue that everyone should know more about and can work hard to do!
我們正在進行 What We Are Doing...
In order to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the ocean, we are committed to promoting the integration in corporate environmental and social governance (ESG) into the improvement of the marine ecological environment. You can learn more about marine ecology from the following websites, or sign up for conference.
會議於2025年1月8日-9 日在高雄舉辦

Marine Noise Registry
回顧 Retrospect
U-TEAM 成立後後陸續舉辦多場研討會及聯盟會議,吸引各界出席參加,獲得最新專業知識及技術方案。
Since its establishment, U-TEAM has successively held a number of seminars and alliance meetings, attracting many representatives from different professional areas to attend and obtain the latest professional knowledge and technical solutions.